Annual Review Meeting of CGIAR Centres

Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary (DARE) & DG (ICAR) chaired a Virtual Meeting on 3rd & 4th February, 2021 to review the progress of Agricultural R&D activities of CG Centres under ICAR-CGIAR collaborative approved Work Plans for the calendar Year - 2020.

India is a member country of the CGIAR system and also a voting member in the CGICAR System Council. India’s role in the CGIAR has been appreciated by the global communities.  The partnership between DARE/ICAR and the CGIAR system dates back to 1974. So far, ICAR has developed strong working linkages with 12 CG Centres in the areas of crops, livestock, fisheries, policy, land & water management, agro-biodiversity, etc. The CGIAR system has contributed significantly in supplying genetic material of different crops from various parts of the world which has been utilized for breeding of new and improved varieties.

The DARE/ICAR works with IRRI, CIMMYT, ICARDA, ICRISAT, ICRAF, IFPRI, ILRI, WFC, IWMI, CIP, Biodiversity International & CIAT through mutually agreed work plans on various issues of enhancing and sustaining agricultural productivity and also on strategic research areas including climate resilience in agriculture through optimization of natural resources. In the meeting, all the CGIAR Centres presented their activities and details of progress thereof. Special emphasis was given to the future activities and working modules to take agri-R&D further to meet our aspirations. The deliberations during the meeting will further strengthen ties with CGIAR Centres and address the the needs of agricultural stakeholders.

Additional Secretary (DARE) & Secretary (ICAR); Deputy Directors General, ICAR; ADGs, Senior Officials of DARE/ICAR Hqrs. and Directors of ICAR Institutes, Vice-Chancellors of some SAUs also joined the meeting. From CGIAR Centres, DG, ICRISAT; Country Representatives/Directors of CG Centres in India and other partners in the research programmes joined the meeting. A total of about 144 delegates participated in the two-day meeting.