Indian Agricultural Universities Association (IAUA)

Indian Agricultural Universities Association (IAUA)

The main objective of the Association is to promote agricultural research, education and extension in the universities and the states, and thereby rural development in the country. It also acts as a bureau of information to facilitate communication, co-ordination and mutual consultation among agricultural universities. The Association also acts as a liaison between member universities and government departments to facilitate communication and expedite the needed action in matters of importance.

All the SAUs and institutions (deemed-to-be universities) and (Central Agricultural Universities) in India, which provide an integrated programme of teaching, research and extension education in agricultural sciences are qualified to become regular members of the Association.

Vice-Chancellors of member universities constitute the Association’s General Body. The General Body meets once a year to decide the agenda for the next convention and other events and also for adoption of its audited accounts of the year and approval of budget estimates for the next financial year, besides the election of the office-bearers for the following calendar year. The Executive Committee of the Association consists of President, Vice-President, Secretary-General, Treasurer and three members. The Executive Committee meets quarterly.

The office of the Association is manned by Executive Secretary, who implements the decisions of General Body and Executive Committee on behalf of the Association. A quarterly newsletter is also being published by the Association since 2000, giving important news, events and achievements by member universities for the information of all the members and others interested. An Annual report is also published documenting all the activities of the year.

The information on events proceedings are published through the host universities and the recommendations are also included in website ( and circulated to all the VCs of member universities and other main stake holders.

A list of future programmes of IAUA during 2019 are listed below:


10-11 May, 2019

G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar

8th Regional Meeting

Sharing Experiences and Strategies about changing paradigm of Agriculture university governance system: Evolving a collective thinking”

Dr. Tej Pratap, VC


21-22 June, 2019

CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, Palampur

10th Brain Storming Session

Emerging issues to reform, perform and transform State Agricultural Universities for sustainable Agricultural development


Prof. A.K. Sarial, VC


Sept. 2019

CCS Haryana Agricultural Univeristy, Hisar

13th National Symposium

Ranking of Agricultural Universities in India

Dr. K.P. Singh, VC


Dec., 2019

Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur

44th VCs Convention

Transformation of Undergraduate Agricultural Education

Dr. S.K. Pati, VC

The main source of revenue of the Association is the annual subscription from member universities. The DARE also provides a nominal grant annually.


Prof (Dr) R.P. Singh

Executive Secretary,

Indian Agricultural Universities Association

IG-2, CGIAR Block, NASC, Pusa Campus,

Dev Prakash Shastri Marg,

New Delhi – 110012

  • Phone: (O) 011-25842422
  • Phone: (O) 011-21520075
  • Mobile : 09811930811
  • Fax: (O) 011-25842422
  • esiaua[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]in
  • Univ. website: