National Academy of Agricultural Sciences

National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi, India

The Academy

The National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), established on June 5, 1990, continues to be a unique think tank and an important forum for harnessing science for enhancing the productivity, profitability, equity and sustainability of Indian agriculture. The Academy has since emerged as a vibrant national agricultural science organization devoted to promoting agricultural research, education, knowledge pool, national and international partnerships and science-society interface towards transforming agriculture and the related policies leading to a comprehensive food nutrition livelihood-ecology-secured and climate smart India.


To promote excellence in science, act as a credible think tank of the scientific community and provide science-based inputs for policy options for a vibrant agriculture.


The major objectives of the Academy, inter-alia, are to:
• promote ecologically and environmentally sustainable and equitable agriculture
• recognize and promote excellence of scientists in agriculture
• promote interaction among researchers of national, foreign and international organizations
• organize inter-disciplinary analysis of issues of importance to farmers and farming, and provide evidence-based inputs for policies designed to advance agricultural research, education, strategic knowledge pool, and extension for development
• carry out activities relevant to accomplish the above objectives.


The governance of the academy is through (a) General Body (b) Executive Council, (c) Statutory Committees, and (d) Twelve Regional Chapters.


In recognition of the academic excellence, the Academy elects 34 Fellows every year in the following eight sections. The section-wise distribution of the Fellowship is indicated in parenthesis. Crop Sciences (6); Horticultural Sciences (3); Animal Sciences (4) ; Fisheries Sciences (2); Natural Resource Management Sciences (5); Plant Protection Sciences (4); Agricultural Engineering and Technology(2) and Social Sciences (3). Foreign Fellow (2);

The Academy elects two Foreign Fellows who are foreign citizens; Pravasi Fellow (3); The Academy elects three Pravasi Fellows who are Persons of Indian¬ Origin (PIO) or Overseas Citizens of India. The Academy inducts young scientists below the age of 40 years as Associates of the Academy based on their scientific contributions.

The Academy has instituted various categories of Awards to recognize and encourage the meritorious and distinguished scientists for their celebrated contributions to the cause of agricultural research, education and extension.
The Academy biennially organizes the National Agricultural Science Congress. So far 14 Agricultural Science Congresses have been organized. The most recent was in February, 2019 in New Delhi.

The publications of the Academy are (a) NAAS News; (b) Policy Papers; (c) Status / Strategy Papers; (d) Policy Briefs; (e) Study Reports; (f) Annual Reports; (g) Foundation Day Lecture; (h) Presidential Address; (i) Journal - Agricultural Research; (j) Books; (k) Year Book. As of now, the Academy has published 88 Policy Papers, 10 Status/Strategy Papers, 3 Policy Briefs, 12 Proceedings and Books on various important issues pertaining to agriculture. the Academy launched an International Research Journal ‘Agricultural Research’ in 2012 in collaboration with Springer India Pvt. Ltd.
Impact of Recent Activities:
The various Policy Document published by the academy have been used by the Government agencies in formulation of their respective programmes. Some of the recent examples are mentioned below.
• The Academy has developed a scorecard for rating the Research Journal to facilitate the evaluation of the nominations for new NAAS fellowship. The Scores thus given to each Journal are being used by researchers and research organization as benchmark for quality of research publications.
• The Academy had developed a scorecard for rating the SAU in the Country and it has been adopted by for assigning ratings of the SAUs. The ICAR had approached to develop an appropriate scorecard for ranking of its research institutions. The NAAS undertook the work in Consultancy mode and has since submitted the proforma, scorecard and the relevant guidelines to assign scores for various parameters.
• NAAS Policy Brief on Innovative and Viable Solution to rice residue Burning in Rice-wheat cropping System through Concurrent use of Super Straw Management System Fitted Combines and Turbo Happy Seeder suggested technologies to address the problem of Rice straw burning especially in the states of Haryana and Punjab.
• The Department of Agriculture Cooperation and Farmers’ Welfare has assigned the Academy to prepare a National Soil and Land use policy, in a Consultancy mode.
Programmes during 2019
The Academy organizes Brainstorming Sessions (BSS) each year on thematic areas of national importance related to Indian agriculture. For the year 2019, the Council has approved the following programmes:

1. Strategy Workshop on “Uniform Policy for Fish Disease Diagnosis and Quarantine”
2. Brainstorming Session on “Enhancing Science Culture in Agriculture Institutions”
3. Brainstorming Session “Payment of Ecosystem Services”
4. Brainstorming Session “Vertical Farming”
5. Brainstorming Session “Big Data Analytics”
6. Brainstorming Session “Potential of Non-bovine Milk”
7. Brainstorming Session on Loan waiving versus Income Support Schemes : Challenges and Way forward
8. Preparation of NAAS-ICAR compendium on select agricultural technologies developed by NARS and that have made significant impact of the Indian economy.

Dr. Anil K. Bawa Tel. : 91-11-25846051-52, Fax. : 91-11-25846054
Executive Director Email: naas-mail[at]naas[dot]org[dot]in
National Academy of Agricultural Sciences
NASC Complex, DPS Marg, Pusa