6th India-ASEAN Working Group Meeting on Agriculture and Forestry

1st July, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand

The meeting of the 6th India-ASEAN Working Group Meeting on Agriculture and Forestry was held here today. The Meeting was hosted by the Royal Government of Thailand.

India and Vietnam co-chaired the meeting. The Indian Delegation was led by Dr. A. Arunachalam, Assistant Director General (International Relations) along with Dr. Pravin Puthra, Assistant Director General (Marine Fisheries) from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Government of India. Shri M. Sahu, Attache from the Indian Embassy, Thailand were also joined the Delegation.

Both the Co-Chairs emphasized on greater opportunity for cooperation in the field of agriculture and forestry. They opined that the ASEAN-India relations provide a platform for sharing the knowledge, information and also conduct joint-programmes for the benefit of ASEAN Member States.

While discussing the medium-term Plan of Action (2016-2020), India appraised the ongoing activities and their outcomes. It also urged for the proactive steps from the ASEAN Secretariat and also the ASEAN Member States for helping in the implementation of programmes identified under the Plan of Action.

Further, it was suggested to develop a directory of all research, education and extension institutions working in the field of agriculture and forestry to enable interaction. It was suggested that Sub-Group on Forestry to develop action plan for forestry sector as well.

The ASEAN Member States discussed the new proposals developed by India in various areas of agricultural development and shortlisted the following areas to be implemented by the Year - 2020:

1. Climate Resilient Agriculture

2. Post-harvest technology of fruits and vegetables

3. Application of robotics and drones in agriculture

4. Trans-boundary disease surveillance and management.

During the meeting, it was also agreed on to cooperate in the areas of students’ and farmers’ exchange as well. The inputs of these discussions will be incorporated into the agenda for 5th India-ASEAN Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting being scheduled in October, 2019 and hosted by Brunei Darussalem.

(Source: International Relations Unit, ICAR)