Good Governance Day

Department of Agricultural Research and Education
Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Good Governance Day – 25 December 2014
(Salient points on e-Governance in DARE/ICAR)

Administration and Finance The DARE/ICAR has taken following steps towards e-governance for transparency and efficiency:

  • The e-Office introduced in key divisions of ICAR headquarters on pilot basis involves computerization of the workflow covering the transmission of files, requests for leave, tour proposals, and availability of required information for day to day work like circulars, orders and many other useful features.
  • e-procurement: Regarding publishing and procurement of all its tenders on the e-procurement portal of the Government of India to maximize participation and transparency. Maximum procurement activity of the Council is being conducted through the online e-procurement system introduced by Government of India. This has helped in ensuring better competition and fairness in procurement.
  • Online RTI: The Council is also on the RTI portal of the Government of India for online receipt, disposal and monitoring of the RTI applications.
  • CCMS (Court Case Monitoring System): CCMS provides up-to-date information of all the court cases of the Council that helps in better monitoring of the court cases.
  • VOICE (Vigilance Online Integrated Complaint & Enquiry): It is an application used by Vigilance Department of the Council wherein the information related to status of all the disciplinary cases or enquiries is maintained.
  • Biometric Attendance System has been introduced in the council and its constituent institutions.
  • Introduced online monitoring of Result Framework document (RFD) for all Divisions in the Council.
  • GHMS (Guest House Management System) for online booking of room in the Delhi based guest houses of ICAR as per the availability.
Different Scientific Portals of DARE/ICAR