
Bilateral International Cooperation in the field of Research and Education in Agriculture and Allied Areas

Bilateral International cooperation in DARE-ICAR has been operating through the MoUs/Work Plans signed between DARE/ICAR with various countries/International Organisations/Foreign Universities and Institutes. In such cases of bilateral international cooperation the MoUs are signed either between the Government of India (represented by DARE) and the Government of another country (represented by their department handling agriculture), or between the ICAR and another foreign autonomous body/Institute/University. DARE-ICAR also participate in the MoUs/Work Plans signed by the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, which plays the nodal role.

Over and above the aforementioned modalities, DARE-ICAR also participates through programmes of cooperation developed by the Ministry of Science and Technology with various countries and international organisations. The Joint Commissions/Working Groups constituted by the Ministry of External Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce also have the component of agricultural research in which DARE-ICAR participates directly or through the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation.
As of now, DARE-ICAR is participating in activities under bilateral cooperation in research and education in Agriculture and allied fields through MoUs and Work Plans with more than 35 countries/Orgainsations/Universities as indicated below in brief:-


  1. DARE-ICAR and Min. of Agriculture & Fisheries, Sultanate of Oman
  2. DARE in the Ministry of Agriculture and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  3. DARE in the M/o Agriculture, India and in the M/o agriculture, India and Iran
  4. ICAR-Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC), Nepal
  5. ICAR-BARC, Bangladesh
  6. ICAR-CARP Sri Lanka
  7. DARE-Afghanistan
  8. ICAR and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), China
  9. M/o Agriculture, India and Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, Socialist Republic of Vietnam


  1. ICAR-Agriculture Research Centre (ARC), Egypt
  2. ICAR- Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)
  3. DARE-Govt. of Republic of Eritrea
  4. ICAR-Golden Valley Agriculture Research Trust (GART), Zambia
  5. DARE-D/o Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries (DAFF), Republic of South Africa
  6. DARE-ICAR participating under MoU signed between Govt. of India in DoAC and the Republic of Tunisia
  7. DARE-ICAR participating under MoU signed between Govt. of India in DoAC and the M/o Agriculture, Mozambique
  8. DARE-ICAR participating under MoU signed between Govt. of India in DoAC and the M/o Agriculture, Govt. of the Republic of Tanzania
  9. DARE in the M/o Agriculture , India and Ministry of Agriculture, Water & Rural development, Namibia.


  1. ICAR and the University of Western Australia.
  2. ICAR-Landcare Research New Zealand.


  1. ICAR and Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (RAAS), Moscow, Russia
  2. ICAR and France (CIRAD/INRA)
  3. DARE/ICAR-DG (Agro), The Hague, the Netherlands


  1. ICAR and University of Saskatchewan, Canada
  2. CAR-The Agriculture Development Fund, Govt. of Saskatchewan, Canada
  3. DARE and Department of Agri. Foods, Canada
  4. ICAR and Kansas State University, Kansas, U.S.A
  5. ICAR-Cornell University, USA
  6. ICAR and INIA (Institute De investigaaones Agropecurarias), Chile
  7. DARE-Ecuador
  8. ICAR-EMBRAPA, Brazil
  9. DARE-Trinidad & Tobago and the Commonwealth of Dominica ) .
    • MoU initiated on 17.10.2011 between DARE and the Ministry of Food Production and Land Marine Affairs of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (MFPLMA)
    • MoU for cooperation in research between CARDI, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and ICAR
    • Agreement signed between DARE and the Division of Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Commonwealth of Dominica.
  10. ICAR-University of Georgia, Georgia, USA
  11. ICAR-National Institute of Research on Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock of the United Mexican States (INIFAP), Mexico
  12. ICAR-University of Ilinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
  13. ICAR-Michigan State University, USA
  14. ICAR-Fishing and Aquaculture Development Centre, Republic of El Salvador:
    • Executing Agency for ICAR is Central Institute for Brackish Water (CIBA),Chennai and for El-Salvador is Fisheries Development Centre (CENDEPESCA)
    • Executing Agency for ICAR is Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA), Bhubaneswar, Orissa and for El-Salvador is Fisheries Development Centre (CENDEPESCA)
    • Executing Agency for ICAR is Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI), Cochin and for El-Salvador is Fisheries Development Centre (CENDEPESCA)
  15. DARE in the M/o Agriculture, India and the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries & food of the Argentine Republic.
  16. DARE in the M/o Agriculture, India and the Ministry of Agricultural development, Panama..
  17. ICAR and the Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute of the University of Nebraska, USA.
  18. ICAR and Purdue University, USA.
  19. ICAR and School of Veterinary Medicine, Pennsylvania, USA.