In December 2009 the CGIAR adopted a new institutional model designed to improve its delivery of research results in a rapidly changing external environment. The reforms were made to give rise to a more results-oriented research agenda, to clearer accountability across the CGIAR and to streamlined governance and programs.
The new model consists of a balanced partnership between donors and researchers, which was established in 2010. The new CGIAR Fund improves the quality and quantity of funding by harmonizing donor contributions, while the new Consortium unites the Centers under a legal entity that provides the Fund with a single entry point for contracting Centers and other partners to conduct research.
Shifting to a more programmatic approach, the CGIAR Centers are now operating within a Strategy and Results Framework, aimed at strengthening collaboration for greater efficiency and development impact. A portfolio of CGIAR Research Programs has been developed, providing CGIAR scientists and partners with new means to deliver international public goods that address major global issues in development.
An Independent Science and Partnership Council (ISPC) is providing the CGIAR with critical advice and expertise.
The new CGIAR fosters stronger and more dynamic partnerships, which generate high-quality research outputs while strengthening national research institutions. Stakeholders, including donors, partners and beneficiaries, provide input into the design of the Strategy and CGIAR Research Programs. The Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD) represents a key opportunity for engaging end users, including farmers, forest and fishing communities, and National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS), in the development of new research programs
CGIAR donors have come together in the CGIAR Fund, with the aim of harmonizing their contributions to agricultural research for development. This two-pillar management structure is held together by four bridging mechanisms. The most fundamental is the Strategy and Results Framework (SRF), which guides the development of a results-oriented research agenda in line with the CGIAR’s new vision and strategic objectives. The Consortium takes the lead in formulating and refining the SRF, working closely with Fund donors, research partners, beneficiaries and other stakeholders through direct consultations and the biennial Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD).
The CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs) are the main mechanism by which the CGIAR will achieve the greater alignment of research outputs.