Recently concluded work plan between ICAR and CGIAR Centres

Recently concluded work plan between ICAR and CGIAR Centres
S.No Event Date Details
1 Signing of ICAR-ICARDA Workplan 2011-14 at Aleppo Syria, between the two DGs Signed on 3rd Jan 2011 New Areas for collaboration such as Impact analysis of technological interventions on pulses and development of policy options have been included in this workplan.
2 Signing of ICAR-ICRAF Workplan 2011-15 at Nairobi, Kenya Signed on 14th Nov, 2011 ICAR-ICRAF Workplan entered into this Workplan 2011-15 to promote and accelerate more collaborative efforts in the field of research and training.
3 Signing of ICAR-IWMI Work Plan 2012-14 at Colombo, Sri Lanka between the two DGs June 2012 The areas for mutual corporation were identified to include improving water and land agriculture and implementation of strategic research program under the CRP 5 and also under CRP 7 on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security.
4 Signing of ICAR-ILRI Work Plan 2012-14 between the two DGs Signed on 7th Nov, 2012 More areas of research collaboration in the filed of livestock researchwere included in the ICAR-ILRI Wok Plan for the Triennium 2012-14.
5 Signing of ICAR-IFPRI Work Plan 2012-15 at New Delhi between the two DGs Signed on 6th March, 2012 ICAR-IFPRI Work Plan was developed keeping in mind the over-arching growth stratagy of Govt of India as enunciated in its XIIth FYP for achieving faster sustainable and moer inclusive growth.
6 Signing of ICAR-IRRI Work Plan 2013-16 at New Delhi between the two DGs Signed on 29th Nov, 2012 ICAR is the nodal body for IRRIs Programs in India and under this work plan they will be working together to strengthen collaboaration in the themetic areas of the GRiSP Program.
7 MoA for the establishment of the Borloug Institute for South Asia between ICAR-CIMMYT INT Signed on 5th Oct, 2011 Cabinet cleared the proposal for Establishment of Borlaug Institute for South Asia(BISA)with its three regional cenetrs at Ludhiana in Punjab,Pusa in Bihar and Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh on 30th. September 2011. BISA was conferred with International Status under the UN Privileges and Immunity Act vide notification dated 12th December 2011. With the establishment of BISA in India it is expected that India will benefit by harnessing the best of International Science in meeting the emerging food security challenges. A major international R&D institutions like BISA would make India even a bigger center of Agricultural Research in the World.
8 Signing of Lease deed Lease deed signed on 17.10.2012 Lease Deed signed between State Govt. of Punjab and DARE for setting up of the regional Center of BISA at Ludhiana Punjab.